Introduction to RFaculty Office Hour
Short Courses
NeurohackingImaging in R (aka Neurohacking 2.0)
Building R Packages
Talk Slides for Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based SystemsTalk Slides and Worked Example for Integrative Multimodality Methods for Studying Brain Function
Stats in Imaging Talk in Pittsburgh 2017
Neuroconductor Tutorials and ImagingAbout me

My name is John Muschelli (pronounced Moo-shell-e), and I am currently a Assistant Scientist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH). I received my Master's of Science (ScM) under the advising of Brian Caffo and my PhD under Ciprian Crainiceanu in Biostatistics from JHSPH, and a BS in Biomathematics and Neuroscience from the University of Scranton.
I work on processing and analyzing medical images, usually of the brain.
My blog, a HopStat and a Jump away
is updated much more frequently than this website.
My primary collaborators are Ciprian Crainiceanu, Brian Caffo, Dan Hanley, and Stewart Mostofsky.