library(neurobase) library(fslr) img = readrpi("anat.nii.gz", verbose = FALSE)
Multiple pieces of software used
Carp, Joshua. “The secret lives of experiments: methods reporting in the fMRI literature.” Neuroimage 63.1 (2012): 289-300.
Lower the bar to entry
Complete pipeline
Detailed tutorials on how to actually perform an analysis
Git version control system: stores changes of files
Distribute packages and install them via devtools::install_github
Check the package for stability
Provide an installer to download the current packages:
source("") neurocLite("kirby21.fmri") neurocLite("neurobase") neurocLite("ANTsR")
Capabilities | Packages |
DICOM Images | oro.dicom, dcm2niir, divest, ANTsR |
NIfTI Images | oro.nifti, RNifti, ANTsR |
Image Registration | spm12r, fslr, ANTsR, freesurfer |
Inhomogeneity Correction | spm12r, fslr, ANTsR |
Brain Extraction | spm12r, fslr, ANTsR, extrantsr |
Structure Segmentation | spm12r, fslr, ANTsR, extrantsr, freesurfer |
Intensity Normalization | WhiteStripe, neurobase, ANTsR |
3D Smoothing | ANTsR, spm12r, fslr |
Temporal Filtering | spm12r, fslr, ANTsR |
Slice-timing correction | spm12r, fslr |
DTI models | rcamino, oro.dti, fslr |
Allow imaging to use all R
has to offer: ENAR 2018
package - call FSL from R
Based on ANTs: Advanced Normalization Tools
by Dr. Chris Rorden
wraps a binary executable of dcm2nii
wraps the background C++ code of dcm2nii
: fMRI data from Kirby21From (Doshi et al. 2013):
: MR Spectroscopy Analysis Toolslungct
: tools for Lung CT analysisMATLAB
code to call SPM scriptsR
syntax (but MATLAB
runs the code) - tutorials - courses - task-fMRI specific
Chambers, John M. 2014. “Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming and R.” Statistical Science 29 (2). Institute of Mathematical Statistics: 167–80.
Doshi, Jimit, Guray Erus, Yangming Ou, Bilwaj Gaonkar, and Christos Davatzikos. 2013. “Multi-Atlas Skull-Stripping.” Academic Radiology 20 (12). Elsevier: 1566–76.
Landman, Bennett A, Alan J Huang, Aliya Gifford, Deepti S Vikram, Issel Anne L Lim, Jonathan AD Farrell, John A Bogovic, et al. 2011. “Multi-Parametric Neuroimaging Reproducibility: A 3-T Resource Study.” Neuroimage 54 (4). Elsevier: 2854–66.