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Fix Zeros from Idle Sleep Mode


fix_zeros(df, fill_in = TRUE, by_second = FALSE, trim = FALSE)

idle_na_locf(df, by_second = FALSE)



An object with columns `X`, `Y`, and `Z` or an object of class `AccData`


Should the zeros be filled in with the last observation carried forward?


Should the last observation carried forward be done only within the same second?


Should the time course be trimmed for zero values at the beginning and the end of the time course?


A data set with the zeros filled in


df = data.frame(
  X = c(0.3/sqrt(0.5), rep(0, 3)),
  Y = c(0.4/sqrt(0.5), rep(0, 3)),
  Z = c(0.5/sqrt(0.5), rep(0, 3)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#>           X         Y         Z
#> 1 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 2 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 3 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 4 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
fix_zeros(df, fill_in = FALSE)
#>           X         Y         Z
#> 1 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 2        NA        NA        NA
#> 3        NA        NA        NA
#> 4        NA        NA        NA
fix_zeros(df, trim = TRUE)
#>           X         Y         Z
#> 1 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 2 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 3 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
#> 4 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068
df$time = c(1,3,2, 4)
#> Warning: Time is unsorted, will resort the data set
#>           X         Y         Z time
#> 1 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    1
#> 3 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    2
#> 2 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    3
#> 4 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    4
acc = list(header = NULL,
data = df
class(acc) = "AccData"
#> Warning: Time is unsorted, will resort the data set
#> $header
#> $data
#>           X         Y         Z time
#> 1 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    1
#> 3 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000    2
#> 2 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000    3
#> 4 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000    4
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "AccData"
fix_zeros(acc, trim = TRUE)
#> Warning: Time is unsorted, will resort the data set
#> $header
#> $data
#>           X         Y         Z time
#> 1 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    1
#> 3 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    2
#> 2 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    3
#> 4 0.4242641 0.5656854 0.7071068    4
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "AccData"