All code for this document is located at here.

1 Goal

In this tutorial, we will discuss segmentation of X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans. The data is discussed in Validated automatic brain extraction of head CT images" ( The data is located at and was from the MISTIE ( and CLEAR ( studies. The MISTIE study focused on patients with intraparenchymal/intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and CLEAR focused on intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), but also has patients with ICH.

1.1 Setting up the Dataverse

The JHU archive is a Dataverse archive. We can use the dataverse package. We will set the DATAVERSE_SERVER variable as this is the default variable that is used in the dataverse package. I have set the environment variable JHU_DATAVERSE_API_TOKEN with the API token for this repository.

Sys.setenv("DATAVERSE_SERVER" = "")
token = Sys.getenv("JHU_DATAVERSE_API_TOKEN")

With these set up, we can use the dataverse functions, by passing in key = token for all functions. Alternatively, we can set:


and not have to set anything again.

1.2 Finding the ID of the Dataset

Although we know the DOI is 10.7281/T1/CZDPSX as we can see this in the URL itself, we will use the dataverse functionality:

x = dataverse_search("muschelli AND head ct")
1 of 1 result retrieved
doi = x$global_id
[1] "doi:10.7281/T1/CZDPSX"

1.3 Listing the Data Files

We will get the tiles from the data set so that we can download individual files and show how to segment a specific scan.

files = dataverse::get_dataset(doi)
Dataset (304): 
Version: 1.0, RELEASED
Release Date: 2019-09-18T15:58:57Z
License: NONE
21 Files:
                  label version   id               contentType
1       6 1241  application/octet-stream
2         00_README.pdf       5 1239           application/pdf
3             01.tar.xz       2 1311          application/x-xz
4             02.tar.xz       1 1283          application/x-xz
5             03.tar.xz       1 1298          application/x-xz
6             04.tar.xz       1 1289          application/x-xz
7             05.tar.xz       1 1288          application/x-xz
8             06.tar.xz       1 1286          application/x-xz
9             07.tar.xz       1 1295          application/x-xz
10            08.tar.xz       1 1306          application/x-xz
11            09.tar.xz       1 1309          application/x-xz
12            10.tar.xz       1 1296          application/x-xz
13            11.tar.xz       1 1297          application/x-xz
14            12.tar.xz       1 1287          application/x-xz
15            13.tar.xz       1 1299          application/x-xz
16            14.tar.xz       1 1291          application/x-xz
17            15.tar.xz       1 1302          application/x-xz
18            16.tar.xz       1 1310          application/x-xz
19            17.tar.xz       1 1284          application/x-xz
20            18.tar.xz       1 1279          application/x-xz
21            19.tar.xz       1 1303          application/x-xz
22            20.tar.xz       1 1305          application/x-xz
23            21.tar.xz       1 1290          application/x-xz
24            22.tar.xz       1 1300          application/x-xz
25            23.tar.xz       1 1308          application/x-xz
26            24.tar.xz       1 1285          application/x-xz
27            25.tar.xz       1 1312          application/x-xz
28            26.tar.xz       1 1280          application/x-xz
29            27.tar.xz       1 1292          application/x-xz
30            28.tar.xz       1 1278          application/x-xz
31            29.tar.xz       1 1294          application/x-xz
32            30.tar.xz       1 1293          application/x-xz
33            31.tar.xz       1 1304          application/x-xz
34            32.tar.xz       1 1301          application/x-xz
35            33.tar.xz       1 1282          application/x-xz
36            34.tar.xz       1 1307          application/x-xz
37            35.tar.xz       1 1281          application/x-xz
38       2 1238 text/tab-separated-values
39 ichseg_0.16.1.tar.gz       5 1240        application/x-gzip

We can download the demographics data from the repository so we can see some information about these patients. We will create a wrapper function as the get_file function always returns a raw vector:

dl_file = function(file, ...) {
  outfile = file.path(tempdir(), basename(file))
  out = get_file(file, ...)
  writeBin(out, outfile)
fname = grep("Demog", files$files$label, value = TRUE)
demo_file = dl_file(fname, dataset = doi)
demo = readr::read_csv(demo_file)

── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  id = col_character(),
  age = col_double(),
  sex = col_character(),
  race = col_character(),
  hispanic = col_character(),
  dx = col_character(),
  site = col_character()
# A tibble: 6 x 7
  id      age sex    race                    hispanic          dx          site 
  <chr> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>                   <chr>             <chr>       <chr>
1 01       50 Female Black/African American  Not Hispanic/Lat… ICH with I… 02   
2 02       66 Female Black/African American  Not Hispanic/Lat… ICH         15   
3 03       43 Male   Black/African American  Not Hispanic/Lat… ICH         10   
4 04       70 Male   White/Caucasian         Not Hispanic/Lat… ICH         14   
5 05       78 Male   Asian or Pacific Islan… Not Hispanic/Lat… ICH with I… 16   
6 06       52 Male   Black/African American  Not Hispanic/Lat… ICH with I… 02   

Here we will grab one patient, download the tarball, and then untar the files:

run_id = demo %>% 
  filter(dx == "ICH") %>% 
  sample_n(1) %>% 
fname = paste0(run_id, ".tar.xz")
tarball = dl_file(fname, dataset = doi)
xz_files = untar(tarball, list = TRUE)

Here we create a temporary directory and extract the tarball to that directory. We create a vector of the file names and extract specifically the image and the mask:

tdir = tempfile()
untar(tarball, exdir = tdir)
nii_files = list.files(path = tdir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
nii_file = nii_files[!grepl("Mask", nii_files) & grepl(".nii.gz", nii_files)]
mask_file = nii_files[grepl("_Mask.nii.gz", nii_files)]

1.4 Reading in the Data

Here we read the data into R into a nifti object:

Loading required package: oro.nifti
oro.nifti 0.11.0

Attaching package: 'oro.nifti'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':

img = readnii(nii_file)
mask = readnii(mask_file)

[1] -1024  3068

Here we plot the image and the Winsorized version to see the brain tissue:

ortho2(img, window = c(0, 100))

masked = window_img(mask_img(img, mask))

1.5 Segment Image

We can segment the image using ichseg::ich_segment to segment the image using PItcHPERFeCT ( We will use the ichseg::predict_deepbleed, which implements the DeepBleed model from ( We will pass in the image and the mask. The model weights will be downloaded and the model will be run. The outdir argument can be used if you would like to download the model weights to a temporary directory or if you cannot write to your R library folder.

segmentation = ichseg::predict_deepbleed(nii_file, mask_file)
Loading DeepBleed Model
Masking Image
Projecting back into Native Space
[1] "skull_stripped"      "brain_mask"          "template_space"     
[4] "registration_matrix" "native_prediction"   "template_prediction"
NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 4 (INT16)
  Bits per Pixel  : 16
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 512 x 616 x 56
  Pixel Dimension : 0.46 x 0.46 x 2.54
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : sec

NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 2 (UINT8)
  Bits per Pixel  : 8
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 512 x 616 x 56
  Pixel Dimension : 0.46 x 0.46 x 2.54
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : sec

NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 16 (FLOAT32)
  Bits per Pixel  : 32
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 128 x 128 x 128
  Pixel Dimension : 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : Unknown

[1] "/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T//Rtmp7olonD/file21631ece5ddb0GenericAffine.mat"

NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 16 (FLOAT32)
  Bits per Pixel  : 32
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 512 x 616 x 56
  Pixel Dimension : 0.46 x 0.46 x 2.54
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : Unknown

NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 16 (FLOAT32)
  Bits per Pixel  : 32
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 128 x 128 x 128
  Pixel Dimension : 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : Unknown

We see the segmentation returns a number of things, and we want to overlay the image with the segmentation in native space (template space registered and predicted images are also included):

ortho2(masked, segmentation$native_prediction)

We see that some areas are dark in this image, which is because the prediction is not binary. Areas with any values > 0 are imposed on the data. Here we will threshold the data at a number of thresholds to show the segmentation overlaid on the image

ortho2(masked, segmentation$native_prediction > 0.5, col.y = scales::alpha("red", 0.5))

ortho2(masked, segmentation$native_prediction > 0.9, col.y = scales::alpha("red", 0.5))

We can create a simple function to perform the extraction and segmentation of any of the patient data in our complete data set:

predict_ich_data = function(id) {
  fname = paste0(id, ".tar.xz")
  tarball = dl_file(fname, dataset = doi)
  xz_files = untar(tarball, list = TRUE)
  tdir = tempfile()
  untar(tarball, exdir = tdir)
  nii_files = list.files(path = tdir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  nii_file = nii_files[!grepl("Mask", nii_files) & grepl(".nii.gz", nii_files)]
  mask_file = nii_files[grepl("_Mask.nii.gz", nii_files)]
  ichseg::predict_deepbleed(nii_file, mask_file)