and ANTsR
library(ms.lesion) library(neurobase) all_files = get_image_filenames_list_by_subject( group = "training", type = "coregistered") files = all_files$training02 t1 = readnii(files["T1"]) mask = readnii(files["Brain_Mask"])
hist(t1, mask = mask, breaks = 2000); text(x = 600, y = 40000, '"outliers"')
ortho2(rt1, t1 > 400, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5)) # xyz - cog of a region
rt1 = robust_window(t1) hist(rt1, mask = mask, breaks = 2000);
The fslr
function fast
calls fast from FSL. The --nobias
option tells FSL to not perform inhomogeneity correction (N4 already performed in ANTsR
t1fast = fast(t1, outfile = paste0(nii.stub(t1file), "_FAST"), opts = "--nobias")
FAST assumes three tissue classes and produces an image with the three labels, ordered by increasing within-class mean intensities. In a T1 image, this results in:
ortho2(rt1, t1fast == 3, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "White Matter")
ortho2(rt1, t1fast == 2, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "Gray Matter")
ortho2(rt1, t1fast == 1, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "CSF")
robust_fast = fast(rt1, # the robust_window(t1) outfile = paste0(nii.stub(t1file), "_FAST"), opts = "--nobias")
function works with nifti
functiont1_otropos = otropos(a = t1, x = mask) # using original data t1seg = t1_otropos$segmentation
ortho2(rt1, t1seg == 3, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "White Matter")
ortho2(rt1, t1seg == 2, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "Gray Matter")
ortho2(rt1, t1seg == 1, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "CSF")
robust_t1_otropos = otropos(a = rt1, x = mask) # using robust robust_t1seg = robust_t1_otropos$segmentation
double_ortho(rt1, robust_t1seg)
ortho2(rt1, robust_t1seg == 3, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "White Matter")
ortho2(rt1, robust_t1seg == 2, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "Gray Matter")
ortho2(rt1, robust_t1seg == 1, col.y = alpha("red", 0.5), text = "CSF")
We can create a table which will count the number of voxels in each category:
tab_fsl = table(robust_fast[ robust_fast != 0]) tab_ants = table(robust_t1seg[ robust_t1seg != 0]) names(tab_fsl) = names(tab_ants) = c("CSF", "GM", "WM") tab_fsl
CSF GM WM 1657792 3247666 2792615
CSF GM WM 1568957 3217615 3062909
out_mask = robust_fast != 0 | robust_t1seg != 0 table(robust_fast[ out_mask ], robust_t1seg[ out_mask ])
1 2 3 0 151408 0 0 1 1417317 240475 0 2 232 2973999 273435 3 0 3141 2789474
By multiplying by the voxel resolution (in cubic centimeters) using the voxres
function, we can get volumes
vres = oro.nifti::voxres(t1, units = "cm") print(vres)
[1] 0.0001757813
vol_fsl = tab_fsl * vres vol_fsl
CSF GM WM 291.4088 570.8788 490.8894
vol_ants = tab_ants * vres vol_ants
CSF GM WM 275.7932 565.5964 538.4020
Avants, Brian B, Nicholas J Tustison, Jue Wu, Philip A Cook, and James C Gee. 2011. “An Open Source Multivariate Framework for N-Tissue Segmentation with Evaluation on Public Data.” Neuroinformatics 9 (4). Springer: 381–400.
Zhang, Yongyue, Michael Brady, and Stephen Smith. 2001. “Segmentation of Brain MR Images Through a Hidden Markov Random Field Model and the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm.” Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 20 (1): 45–57. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=906424.