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MS Lesion Segmentation

Overall Pipeline


  • Obtaining manual lesion segmentations is often resource intensive.
    • "Gold standard": Inter- and Intra-rater variability.
  • Accurate and efficient methods for automatic segmentation are necessary for scalability and research progress.
  • In this tutorial, we will learn how to train and apply OASIS (Sweeney et al. 2013), an automatic lesion segmentation model, to obtain predicted lesion probability maps.
    • Relies on intensity-normalized data.

MS Lesion Segmentation with OASIS

  • OASIS is Automated Statistical Inference for Segmentation (Sweeney et al. 2013).
  • OASIS takes FLAIR, T1, T2, and PD (optional) images.
    • Produces OASIS probability maps of MS lesion presence.
    • These can be thresholded into a binary lesion segmentation.
  • The OASIS model is based on a logistic regression.
    • Regress binary manual segmentation labels on the images, smoothed versions of the images, and some interaction terms (e.g., supervised learning).
  • Performs well compared to common machine learning models (Sweeney et al. 2014)

Default OASIS Model

  • The OASIS library comes with default parameters that can be used to generate probability maps for new test subjects.
    • The default model was trained on approximately 100 MS subjects and 30 healthy subjects with manual segmentations.
  • Here we apply oasis_predict with the default model to obtain OASIS probability maps for the test subjects.
default_predict_ts = function(x){
  res = oasis_predict(
      flair=ts_flairs[[x]], t1=ts_t1s[[x]], 
      t2=ts_t2s[[x]], pd=ts_pds[[x]], 
      brain_mask = ts_masks[[x]], 
      preproc=FALSE, normalize=TRUE, 
default_probs_ts = lapply(1:3, default_predict_ts)

Vizualization of probability map

  • Here's the probability map for test subject 01.

Thresholding: Getting a binary map

  • We must choose a cutoff to binarize the OASIS probability maps.
  • The binary argument in the oasis_predict function is FALSE by default, resulting in the output being the probability map.
    • Setting binary=TRUE will return the thresholded version, using the input to the threshold argument (default = 0.16).
    • 0.16 was obtained via a validation set allowing for a 0.5% false positive rate.
  • In practice, we might want to use a grid search over thresholds and cross validation to choose the cutoff.

Vizualization of binary map

  • Here's the binary mask for test subject 01, using the default 0.16 threshold:

Default OASIS Model

  • To evaluate how the default model with default threshold performs, we'll compare the predictions to our manual segmentations.

  • Sorensen–Dice coefficient:
    • Similarity measure between two samples.
    • Ranges from 0 to 1.
    • (TP) - true positive, (FP) - false positive, (FN) - false negative.


Default OASIS Model Results

Dice coeffients for the test subjects

Improving Results

  • We might be able to improve the results by adjusting the threshold.
  • Let's optimize the threshold on the training data using a grid search (in practice, we might do cross-validation).
Threshold    0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300
Average Dice 0.242 0.272 0.273 0.261 0.231 0.194

Improving Results

  • Turns out a coarse grid search chose a threshold of 0.15, so the results are nearly identical.

Improving Results

  • We might be able to further improve the results by re-training the OASIS model using our five training subjects.
  • To re-train using new data, binary masks of gold standard lesion segmentations are needed and should be in T1 space.

Making OASIS data frames

  • OASIS requires a particular data frame format, which we create using the function oasis_train_dataframe.
  • Includes an option to preprocess your data (preproc), which does (1) inhomogeneity correction using fsl_biascorrect and (2) rigid coregistration using flirt to the T1 space.
  • Includes an option to whole-brain intensity normalize (normalize).
  • make_df() below is a helper function.
make_df = function(x){
  res = oasis_train_dataframe(
      flair=tr_flairs[[x]], t1=tr_t1s[[x]], t2=tr_t2s[[x]],
      pd=tr_pds[[x]], gold_standard=tr_golds[[x]], 
      preproc=FALSE, normalize=TRUE, return_preproc=FALSE)
oasis_dfs = lapply(1:5, make_df)

Training OASIS

  • The function oasis_training takes the data frames we made and fits a logistic regression using labels and features from a subset of voxels in each subject's brain mask (top 15% in FLAIR intensity).
  • The function is a useful R function that applies the function named in the first argument to all elements of the list specified in the second argument.
ms_model ="oasis_training", oasis_dfs)

OASIS model object

Call:  glm(formula = form, family = binomial, data = df)

   (Intercept)        FLAIR_10           FLAIR        FLAIR_20  
      -4.79369        13.10386         1.14120       -18.77010  
         T2_10              T2           T2_20           T1_10  
       4.85370         1.09444        -7.06750        13.63554  
            T1           T1_20  FLAIR_10:FLAIR  FLAIR:FLAIR_20  
       1.04771       -21.09848        -1.28891         1.03121  
      T2_10:T2        T2:T2_20        T1_10:T1        T1:T1_20  
       0.09151         3.18903        -1.04701         3.14265  

Degrees of Freedom: 3930444 Total (i.e. Null);  3930429 Residual
Null Deviance:      2691000 
Residual Deviance: 1842000  AIC: 1842000

Trained OASIS Model Results

Threshold    0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.25 0.300
Average Dice 0.253 0.324 0.346 0.346 0.33 0.294
  • Using a threshold of 0.15.
  • Dice coeffients for default vs. re-trained OASIS model.


  • Percent improvement in Dice over the default model:
ID Dice
01 -31.7
02 -85.7
03 -47.7



Sweeney, Elizabeth M, Russell T Shinohara, Navid Shiee, Farrah J Mateen, Avni A Chudgar, Jennifer L Cuzzocreo, Peter A Calabresi, Dzung L Pham, Daniel S Reich, and Ciprian M Crainiceanu. 2013. “OASIS Is Automated Statistical Inference for Segmentation, with Applications to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation in Mri.” NeuroImage: Clinical 2. Elsevier: 402–13.

Sweeney, Elizabeth M, Joshua T Vogelstein, Jennifer L Cuzzocreo, Peter A Calabresi, Daniel S Reich, Ciprian M Crainiceanu, and Russell T Shinohara. 2014. “A Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms and Feature Vectors for MS Lesion Segmentation Using Multimodal Structural MRI.” PloS One 9 (4). Public Library of Science: e95753.