with the default model to obtain OASIS probability maps for the test subjects.library(oasis) default_predict_ts = function(x){ res = oasis_predict( flair=ts_flairs[[x]], t1=ts_t1s[[x]], t2=ts_t2s[[x]], pd=ts_pds[[x]], brain_mask = ts_masks[[x]], preproc=FALSE, normalize=TRUE, model=oasis::oasis_model) return(res) } default_probs_ts = lapply(1:3, default_predict_ts)
argument in the oasis_predict
function is FALSE by default, resulting in the output being the probability map.
will return the thresholded version, using the input to the threshold
argument (default = 0.16).To evaluate how the default model with default threshold performs, we'll compare the predictions to our manual segmentations.
Dice coeffients for the test subjects
Threshold 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 Average Dice 0.242 0.272 0.273 0.261 0.231 0.194
), which does (1) inhomogeneity correction using fsl_biascorrect
and (2) rigid coregistration using flirt
to the T1 space.normalize
below is a helper function.make_df = function(x){ res = oasis_train_dataframe( flair=tr_flairs[[x]], t1=tr_t1s[[x]], t2=tr_t2s[[x]], pd=tr_pds[[x]], gold_standard=tr_golds[[x]], brain_mask=tr_masks[[x]], preproc=FALSE, normalize=TRUE, return_preproc=FALSE) return(res$oasis_dataframe) } oasis_dfs = lapply(1:5, make_df)
takes the data frames we made and fits a logistic regression using labels and features from a subset of voxels in each subject's brain mask (top 15% in FLAIR intensity).do.call
is a useful R function that applies the function named in the first argument to all elements of the list specified in the second argument.ms_model = do.call("oasis_training", oasis_dfs)
Call: glm(formula = form, family = binomial, data = df) Coefficients: (Intercept) FLAIR_10 FLAIR FLAIR_20 -4.79369 13.10386 1.14120 -18.77010 T2_10 T2 T2_20 T1_10 4.85370 1.09444 -7.06750 13.63554 T1 T1_20 FLAIR_10:FLAIR FLAIR:FLAIR_20 1.04771 -21.09848 -1.28891 1.03121 T2_10:T2 T2:T2_20 T1_10:T1 T1:T1_20 0.09151 3.18903 -1.04701 3.14265 Degrees of Freedom: 3930444 Total (i.e. Null); 3930429 Residual Null Deviance: 2691000 Residual Deviance: 1842000 AIC: 1842000
Threshold 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.25 0.300 Average Dice 0.253 0.324 0.346 0.346 0.33 0.294
ID | Dice |
01 | -31.7 |
02 | -85.7 |
03 | -47.7 |
Sweeney, Elizabeth M, Russell T Shinohara, Navid Shiee, Farrah J Mateen, Avni A Chudgar, Jennifer L Cuzzocreo, Peter A Calabresi, Dzung L Pham, Daniel S Reich, and Ciprian M Crainiceanu. 2013. “OASIS Is Automated Statistical Inference for Segmentation, with Applications to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation in Mri.” NeuroImage: Clinical 2. Elsevier: 402–13.
Sweeney, Elizabeth M, Joshua T Vogelstein, Jennifer L Cuzzocreo, Peter A Calabresi, Daniel S Reich, Ciprian M Crainiceanu, and Russell T Shinohara. 2014. “A Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms and Feature Vectors for MS Lesion Segmentation Using Multimodal Structural MRI.” PloS One 9 (4). Public Library of Science: e95753.