Processing math: 100%

Inhomogeneity Correction

MS Lesion

Let’s reset and read in the T1 image from a MS lesion data set:

t1 = neurobase::readnii("training01_01_t1.nii.gz")
t1[ t1 < 0 ] = 0

Overall Pipeline

Inhomogeneity correction

Image Data

It’s hard to see subtler bias fields, but sometimes they can be seen visually.


Image Data

flair = neurobase::readnii("training01_01_flair.nii.gz")

Image Data: Lightbox

image(robust_window(t1), useRaster = TRUE)

N4 Inhomogeneity Correction

We will use N4: Improved N3 Bias Correction (Tustison et al. 2010).

The model assumed in the N4 is: v(x)=u(x)f(x)+n(x)

  • v is the given image
  • u is the uncorrupted image
  • f is the bias field
  • n is the noise (assumed to be independent and Gaussian)
  • x is a location in the image

N4 Inhomogeneity Correction

The data is log-transformed and assuming a noise-free scenario, we have:


  • N4 uses a B-spline approximation of the bias field
  • It iterates until a convergence criteria is met
    • when the updated bias field is the same as the last iteration
  • It outputs the data back in the original units (not log-transformed)

Bias Field Correction

Here we will use the bias_correct function in extrantsr, which calls n4BiasFieldCorrection from ANTsR.

You can pass in the image:

bc_t1 = bias_correct(file = t1, correction = "N4")

or the filename (but negatives are in there):

bc_t1 = bias_correct(file = "training01_01_t1.nii.gz", correction = "N4")

Visualizing Bias Field Correction

Here we take the ratio of the images and overlay it on the original image:

ratio = t1 / bc_t1; ortho2(t1, ratio)

Visualizing Bias Field Correction

We are breaking the ratio into quantiles:

ortho2(t1, ratio, col.y = colors, ybreaks = quantiles, ycolorbar = TRUE)


  • Inhomogeneity correction is one of the first steps of most structural MRI pipelines
  • Inhomogeneity can cause problems for other methods/segmentation
  • Corrections try to make tissues of the same class to have similar intensities
  • Use the extrantsr bias_correct function
    • There is also fsl_biascorrect from fslr (not as effective in our experience)
  • You may also want to run corrections after skull stripping on the brain only
    • this is possible with the result after the brain extraction lecture
    • correction before skull-stripping may be necessary and can improve after correction



Tustison, Nicholas J., Brian B. Avants, Philip A. Cook, Yuanjie Zheng, Alexander Egan, Paul A. Yushkevich, and James C. Gee. 2010. “N4ITK: Improved N3 Bias Correction.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 29 (6):1310–20.