Processing math: 100%

Imaging Packages in R

Some packages we will use

All packages we will discuss are loaded on the RStudio Server:

  • oro.nifti - reading/writing NIfTI images
    • made the nifti object/data class: like an array - but with header information
      • the main data class we will use
  • neurobase - extends oro.nifti and provides helpful imaging functions

Let’s load them:


Reading in NIfTI images: assignment

We will use the readnii function (from neurobase) to read in a nifti object (this is an R object).

Here we read in the “training01_01_t1.nii.gz” file, and assign it to an object called t1:

t1 = readnii("training01_01_t1.nii.gz")

Now, an object t1 is in memory/the workspace.

[1] "nifti"
[1] "oro.nifti"

nifti images

nifti images

By default, if you simply pass the object, it is printed, we can also do print(t1):

NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 4 (INT16)
  Bits per Pixel  : 16
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 2 (Aligned_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 408 x 512 x 152
  Pixel Dimension : 0.43 x 0.43 x 0.82
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : sec

Operations with nifti objects

These work with an image and a number (img + 2) or two images of the same dimensions img1 + img2.

  • Comparison: >, >=, <, <=, == (equals), != (not equal)
  • Logical: ! - not, & - and, | - or (a “pipe”)
  • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, ^ - exponents
  • Standard math functions: log, abs, sqrt
t1 + t1 + 2 # still a nifti
NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 4 (INT16)
  Bits per Pixel  : 16
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 2 (Aligned_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Dimension       : 408 x 512 x 152
  Pixel Dimension : 0.43 x 0.43 x 0.82
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : sec

Working with nifti objects

Again, we can use a logical operation. Let’s create an image indicating values over 400:

class(t1 > 400) # still a nifti
[1] "nifti"
[1] "oro.nifti"
head(t1 > 400) # values are now logical vs. numeric

We will refer to images such as t1 > 400 as a “mask”, simply binary images with logical values in them (or 0s and 1s)

Subsetting with nifti objects: like arrays

The subsetting here is similar to that of arrays. Since t1 is 3-dimensional the subsetting goes to the 3rd dimension:

t1[5, 4, 3]
[1] 0
t1[5, 4, ] # returns a vector of numbers (1-d)
t1[, 4, ] # returns a 2-d matrix
t1[1, , ] # returns a 2-d matrix
  • You can subset with a logical array of the same dimensions!
  • We can view values of the t1 greater than 400 (head only prints the first 6 values):
head(t1[ t1 > 400 ]) # produces a vector of numbers
[1] 402 412 435 448 453 430

which with nifti objects

The which function works to get indices, but you can pass the arr.ind = TRUE argument to get “array” indices:

head(which(t1 > 400, arr.ind = TRUE))
     dim1 dim2 dim3
[1,]  180  258    1
[2,]  175  259    1
[3,]  176  259    1
[4,]  177  259    1
[5,]  178  259    1
[6,]  179  259    1

But can get the “vector” indices as well:

head(which(t1 > 400, arr.ind = FALSE))
[1] 105036 105439 105440 105441 105442 105443

Working with nifti objects: reassignment

Subsetting can work on the left hand side of assignment too:

t1_copy = t1
t1_copy[ t1_copy > 400 ] = 400 # replaced these values!
max(t1_copy) # should be 400
[1] 400
[1] 1691

Note, although t1_copy was copied from t1, they are not linked - if you change values in t1_copy, values in t1 are unchanged.

Writing Images out

We now can write out this modified t1_copy image:

writenii(nim = t1_copy, 
         filename = "training01_t1_under400.nii.gz")
[1] TRUE

We have seen that file.exists returns TRUE if a file exists

  • useful in conjunction with all: all(file.exists(VECTOR_OF_FILES))

Vectorizing a nifti

To convert a nifti to a vector, you can simply use the c() function:

vals = c(t1)
[1] "numeric"

Essentially “strings out” the array. If you do array(c(t1), dim = dim(t1)), this will put things back “in order” of the t1.

Vectorizing is useful for making data.frames (covered later) when you want to do modeling at a voxel level.

df = data.frame(t1 = c(t1), mask = c(t1 > 400)); head(df)
  t1  mask
1  0 FALSE
2  0 FALSE
3  0 FALSE
4  0 FALSE
5  0 FALSE
6  0 FALSE

File helpers - for constructing filenames

Use paste if you want to put strings together with spaces, paste0 no spaces by default.

file.path(directory, filename) will paste directory and filename w/file separators (e.g. /)

c(paste("img", ".nii.gz"), paste0("img", ".nii.gz"))
[1] "img .nii.gz" "img.nii.gz" 
x = file.path("output_directory", paste0("img", ".nii.gz")); print(x)
[1] "output_directory/img.nii.gz"

nii.stub will strip off the nifti extension. If bn = TRUE, it removes the directory as well:

c(nii.stub(x), nii.stub(x, bn = TRUE))
[1] "output_directory/img" "img"                 

Main Packages we will use

  • oro.nifti - reading/writing NIfTI images
  • neurobase - extends oro.nifti and provides helpful imaging functions
  • fslr - wraps FSL commands to use in R
    • registration, image manipulation, skull stripping
  • ANTsR - wrapper for Advanced normalization tools (ANTs) code
    • registration, inhomogeneity correction, lots of tools
  • extrantsr - allows ANTsR to work with objects from oro.nifti

Data Package we will use

  • ms.lesion - contains training/testing data of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)
    • from an open MS MRI data set (Lesjak et al. 2017)


  • We have (briefly) covered some R data classes and types to get you started
  • We will be using nifti objects
    • They are special 3-dimensional arrays
    • Contain numbers or logicals
  • readnii and writenii are used for reading/writing nifti objects to NIfTI files
  • We have briefly covered subsetting and image manipulation
    • more on that later



Lesjak, Žiga, Alfiia Galimzianova, Aleš Koren, Matej Lukin, Franjo Pernuš, Boštjan Likar, and Žiga Špiclin. 2017. “A Novel Public MR Image Dataset of Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Lesion Segmentations Based on Multi-Rater Consensus.” Neuroinformatics. Springer, 1–13.