This function calls run_first_all
's help
Prints help output and returns output as character vector
if (have.fsl()){
#> Usage: run_first_all [options] -i <input_image> -o <output_image>Optional arguments: -m <method> : method must be one of auto, fast, none or a (numerical) threshold value -b : input is already brain extracted -s <name> : run only on one specified structure (e.g. L_Hipp) or a comma separated list (no spaces) -a <img2std.mat> : use affine matrix (do not re-run registration) -3 : use 3-stage affine registration (only currently for hippocampus) -d : do not cleanup image output files (useful for debugging) -v : verbose output -h : display this help messagee.g.: run_first_all -i im1 -o output_name