April 10, 2016

Main Software: fMRI/MRI Processing

  • I don't process my data
  • R
  • Python/Nipype
  • BrainVoyager/FreeSurfer/AFNI
  • Other
  • Stata/SAS (just kidding)

Main Software: Statistical Analysis

  • R
  • Python/Pandas
  • SAS
  • Stata/SPSS
  • Other/Excel

Are these the same?

  • Yes
  • No

I use R

Why R?

  • Statistical tools are state of the art
    • SAS/Stata do not currently support imaging
  • R statistical tools > MATLAB/Python (opinion)
    • maybe not machine learning (scikit-learn)
  • Statistics programs commonly teach it
  • Packages have been developed for imaging
  • Shiny

Data used from NITRC

oro.nifti (Brandon Whitcher, CRAN)

  • Can read/write NIfTI/ANALYZE files
  • Implements the nifti object (S4)
    • Use it like an array
    • Includes meta data relevant to images
  • Has useful plotting functions image.nifti, orthographic

spm12r (me, CRAN)

Requires MATLAB (installs SPM to R library)

  • spm12_slice_timing - slices are not taken instantaneously
  • spm12_realign - people move
  • spm12_coregister - structural imaging is higher resolution
  • spm12_segment - where's the gray matter?
  • spm12_normalize - brains look better in MNI
  • spm12_smooth - turn that noise down

fslr (me, CRAN)

  • Relies heavily on the nifti object
  • Wraps FSL - a popular neuroimaging suite
    • fslmaths - image manipulation
    • fslstats - image statistics
    • fslbet - brain extraction/skull stripping
  • Adds some plotting functionality ortho2, double_ortho

fslr (me, CRAN)

  • fsl_slicetimer - slices are not taken instantaneously
  • mcflirt - people move
  • flirt - structural imaging is higher resolution
  • fast - where's the gray matter? (not that fast)
  • flirt+fnirt - brains look better in MNI
  • fslsmooth - turn that noise down

Number of Downloads (RStudio CRAN)

The nifti object

fslr: readnii wraps oro.nifti::readNIfTI:

img = readnii(files["functional"]);  print(img)
NIfTI-1 format
  Type            : nifti
  Data Type       : 16 (FLOAT32)
  Bits per Pixel  : 32
  Slice Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Intent Code     : 0 (None)
  Qform Code      : 1 (Scanner_Anat)
  Sform Code      : 0 (Unknown)
  Dimension       : 80 x 80 x 37 x 210
  Pixel Dimension : 3 x 3 x 3.97 x 1
  Voxel Units     : mm
  Time Units      : Unknown

fslr: Slice Timing Correction

fsl_slicetimer will do slice timing correction

tr = 2 # 2 seconds
first_scan = floor(10.0 / tr) + 1 # 10 seconds "stabilization of signal"
img = subset_4d(img, first_scan:ntim(img))
aimg = fsl_slicetimer(img, tr = 2, indexing = "up", acq_order = "contiguous")
[1]  80  80  37 205
[1] 3.000000 3.000000 3.972973

Orthographic View

library(fslr); median_image = apply(aimg, c(1, 2, 3), median)

Image Slice View

image(median_image, z = 18, plot.type = "single")

ANTsR (Brian Avants, GitHub)

Located at https://github.com/stnava/ANTsR

  • Re-implements ANTs within R using ITK/C++ (fast)
    • actively maintained (sometimes lacking documentation)
  • N3/N4 Inhomogeneity correction
  • Image Registration
  • Reads/writes data using pointers (not in memory)
    • not as intuitive/not exactly array-like

extrantsr ("extra ANTsR", me, GitHub)

Located at https://github.com/muschelli2/extrantsr

  • Wraps ANTsR functionality
    • Allows nifti object use
    • Has ants2oro conversion for ANTs images to nifti
  • Adds commonly done pipelines for neuroimaging
  • I use this heavily for my imaging analyses

Motion Correction/Calculation

  • antsMotionCalculation calculates motion parameters (rp)
  • Also the motion-corrected image
motionCorrectionResults = antsMotionCalculation(
  boldImage, fixed = average_image, txtype = "Rigid")

Let's Make a Matrix!

timeseries2matrix creates \(T\times V\) matrix, \(V\) voxels in mask

averageImage = getAverageOfTimeSeries(moco_img)
boldMatrix = timeseries2matrix(img = moco_img, mask = averageImage > mean(averageImage))

DVARS - RMS change in BOLD

computeDVARS does what the names says

DVARS = computeDVARS(boldMatrix)
fd = motionCorrectionResults$fd

Nuisance Variables: CompCor

compcor: PCA on high-variance voxels (Behzadi et al. 2007)

  • have to specify number of components
compCorNuisanceVariables = compcor(moco_img, maskImage, ncompcor = 6)
nuisanceVariables = cbind(moco_params, compCorNuisanceVariables)

Nuisance Variables: CompCor Voxels

Nuisance Regression and Filtering

lm works great here for regression \(\left(\text{data is }T×V\right)\)

nuisanceVariables = scale(nuisanceVariables)
nuisance_mod = lm(boldMatrix ~ nuisanceVariables)
rMatrix = residuals(nuisance_mod)

Filtering the frequencies

  • frequencyFilterfMRI calls mFilter::cffilter
rMatrix = frequencyFilterfMRI(rMatrix, tr = 2, freqLo = 0.01, freqHi = 0.1, opt = "trig")

Smooth Image

  • smoothImage - Gaussian smoothing FWHM = 6mm\(^3\)
cleanBoldImage = matrix2timeseries(boldImage, maskImage, rMatrix)
smoothCleanBoldImage = smoothImage(cleanBoldImage, sigma = c(rep(6, 3), 0), FWHM = TRUE)

What Else Do We Need?

Not covered

  • fmri package (ask Joerg)
  • AnalyzeFMRI
  • cudaBayesreg


Behzadi, Yashar, Khaled Restom, Joy Liau, and Thomas T Liu. 2007. “A Component Based Noise Correction Method (CompCor) for BOLD and Perfusion Based FMRI.” Neuroimage 37 (1). Elsevier: 90–101.