All code for this document is located at here.

1 Goal

In this tutorial, we will discuss skull-stripping (or brain-extracting) X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans. We will use data from TCIA ( as there is a great package called TCIApathfinder to interface with TCIA.

1.1 Using TCIApathfinder

In order to use TCIApathfinder, please see the vignette to obtain API keys. Here we will look at the collections:

collections = get_collection_names()
collections = collections$collection_names
[1] "4D-Lung"             "AAPM-RT-MAC"         "ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain" 
mods = get_modality_names(body_part = "BREAST")
[1] "CR" "CT" "MG" "MR" "OT" "PT"

1.2 Getting Body Part Information

Here we can see all the parts of the body examined.

bp = get_body_part_names()
 [1] "ABD"             "ABD PEL"         "ABD PELV"        "ABDOMEN"        
 [9] "BLADDER"         "BRAIN"           "BRAIN W/WO_AH32" "BREAST"         
[13] "CAP"             "CAROTID"         "CERVIX"          "CHEST"          
[25] "COLON"           "CT 3PHASE REN"   "CT CHEST W_ENHA" "CT CHEST WO CE" 
[29] "CT THORAX W CNT" "CTA CHEST"       "ESOPHAGUS"       "EXTREMITY"      
[33] "FUSION"          "HEAD"            "Head-and-Neck"   "Head-Neck"      
[37] "HEADANDNECK"     "HEADNECK"        "HEART"           "J brzuszna"     
[41] "J BRZUSZNA"      "Kidney"          "KIDNEY"          "LEG"            
[45] "LIVER"           "LUMBO-SACRAL SP" "LUNG"            "MEDIASTINUM"    
[49] "NECK"            "OUTSIDE FIL"     "OVARY"           "PANCREAS"       
[53] "Pelvis"          "PELVIS"          "PET_ABDOMEN_PEL" "PET_CT SCAN CHE"
[57] "Phantom"         "PHANTOM"         "PORT CHEST"      "PROSTATE"       
[61] "RECTUM"          "SEG"             "SELLA"           "SKULL"          
[65] "SPI CHEST 5MM"   "STOMACH"         "TH CT CHEST WO " "Thorax"         
[69] "THORAX"          "THORAX CT _AH05" "THORAX CT _OT01" "THORAX_1HEAD_NE"
[73] "THORAXABD"       "THYROID"         "TSPINE"          "UNDEFINED"      
[77] "UTERUS"          "WHOLEBODY"       "WO INTER"       

Particularly, these areas are of interest. There seems to be a “bug” in TCIApathfinder::get_series_info which is acknowledged in the help file. Namely, the body_part_examined is not always a parameter to be set. We could get all the series info for all the collections from the code below, but it takes some times (> 15 minutes):

# could look for any of these
get_bp = c("BRAIN", "HEAD", "HEADNECK")

# takes a long time
res = pbapply::pblapply(collections, function(collection) {
  x = get_series_info(
    collection = collection, 
    modality = "CT")

1.3 Getting Series

Here we will gather the series information for a study we know to have head CT data:

collection = "CPTAC-GBM"
series = get_series_info(
  collection = collection, 
  modality = "CT")
series = series$series
  patient_id collection
1         NA  CPTAC-GBM
2         NA  CPTAC-GBM
3         NA  CPTAC-GBM
4         NA  CPTAC-GBM
5         NA  CPTAC-GBM
6         NA  CPTAC-GBM
                                               series_instance_uid modality
1       CT
2       CT
3       CT
4       CT
5       CT
6       CT
                            protocol_name series_date series_description
1         1.6 CTA HEAD WITH WAND PROTOCOL  2001-01-15     SAG 10 X 2 MIP
2         1.6 CTA HEAD WITH WAND PROTOCOL  2001-01-15      AX 10 X 2 MIP
3         1.6 CTA HEAD WITH WAND PROTOCOL  2001-01-15      COR10 X 2 MIP
4 1.8 CTV HEAD Auto Transfer 75mL Iso 300  2001-01-23            CTV COR
5 1.8 CTV HEAD Auto Transfer 75mL Iso 300  2001-01-23            CTV SAG
6 1.8 CTV HEAD Auto Transfer 75mL Iso 300  2001-01-23          CTV AXIAL
  body_part_examined series_number annotations_flag       manufacturer
1               <NA>    603.000000               NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
2               <NA>    601.000000               NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
3               <NA>    602.000000               NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
4               <NA>    602.000000               NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
5               <NA>    603.000000               NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
6               <NA>    601.000000               NA GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
  manufacturer_model_name software_versions image_count
1          LightSpeed VCT              <NA>          93
2          LightSpeed VCT              <NA>         124
3          LightSpeed VCT              <NA>         101
4          LightSpeed VCT              <NA>         107
5          LightSpeed VCT              <NA>          89
6          LightSpeed VCT              <NA>          53

Here we grab the first series ID from this data which has a description of “HEAD STD” for standard head:

std_head = series %>% 
  filter(grepl("HEAD STD", series_description))
series_instance_uid = std_head$series_instance_uid[1]

download_unzip_series = function(series_instance_uid,
                                 verbose = TRUE) {
  tdir = tempfile()
  dir.create(tdir, recursive = TRUE)
  tfile = tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
  tfile = basename(tfile)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Downloading Series")
  res = save_image_series(
    series_instance_uid = series_instance_uid, 
    out_dir = tdir, 
    out_file_name = tfile)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Unzipping Series")
  tdir = tempfile()
  dir.create(tdir, recursive = TRUE)
  res = unzip(zipfile = res$out_file, exdir = tdir)
  L = list(files = res,
           dirs = unique(dirname(normalizePath(res))))
# Download and unzip the image series

file_list = download_unzip_series(
  series_instance_uid = series_instance_uid)
Downloading Series
Unzipping Series

1.4 Converting DICOM to NIfTI

We will use dcm2niix to convert from DICOM to NIfTI. The function dcm2niix is wrapped in dcm2niir. We will use dcm2niir::dcm2nii to convert the file. We use check_dcm2nii to grab the relevant output files:

dcm_result = dcm2nii(file_list$dirs)
#Copying Files
# Converting to nii 
'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library/dcm2niir/dcm2niix' -9  -v 1 -z y -f %p_%t_%s '/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T/Rtmpq5zQ7W/file586955006f99'
result = check_dcm2nii(dcm_result)

Here we read the data into R into a nifti object:

img = readnii(result)

[1] -3024  3071

Here we will use neurobase::rescale_img to make sure the minimum is \(-1024\) and the maximum is \(3071\). The minimum can be lower for areas outside the field of view (FOV). Here we plot the image and the Winsorized version to see the brain tissue:

img = rescale_img(img, min.val = -1024, max.val = 3071)

ortho2(img, window = c(0, 100))

1.5 Skull Strip

We can skull strip the image using CT_Skull_Strip or CT_Skull_Stripper. The CT_Skull_Stripper has a simple switch to use CT_Skull_Strip or CT_Skull_Strip_robust.

ss = CT_Skull_Strip(img, verbose = FALSE)
ortho2(img, ss > 0, 
       window = c(0, 100),
       col.y = scales::alpha("red", 0.5))

The CT_Skull_Strip_robust function does 2 neck removals using remove_neck from extrantsr and then find the center of gravity (COG) twice to make sure the segmentation focuses on the head. In some instances, the whole neck is included in the scan, such as some of the head-neck studies in TCIA.

2 Showing a Robust Example with the neck

2.1 Getting Series

Here we will gather the series information for the Head-Neck Cetuximab collection:

collection = "Head-Neck Cetuximab"
series = get_series_info(
  collection = collection, 
  modality = "CT")
series = series$series
whole_body = series %>% 
  filter(grepl("WB", series_description))
file_list = download_unzip_series(
  series_instance_uid = series$series_instance_uid[1])
Downloading Series
Unzipping Series
dcm_result = dcm2nii(file_list$dirs, merge_files = TRUE)
#Copying Files
# Converting to nii 
'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library/dcm2niir/dcm2niix' -9  -m y  -v 1 -z y -f %p_%t_%s '/var/folders/1s/wrtqcpxn685_zk570bnx9_rr0000gr/T/Rtmpq5zQ7W/file58693e41bd33'
result = check_dcm2nii(dcm_result)

Here we see the original data has a lot of the neck and some of the shoulders in the scan:

img = readnii(result)
img = rescale_img(img, min.val = -1024, max.val = 3071)
ortho2(img, window = c(0, 100))

We will try CT_Skull_Strip without adding any robust options:

ss_wb = CT_Skull_Strip(img, verbose = FALSE)
ortho2(ss_wb, window = c(0, 100))

We see that this does not work very well. We will use the robust version. Here we use CT_Skull_Stripper, which will call CT_Skull_Strip_robust. This will run extrantsr::remove_neck, runs CT_Skull_Strip, then estimates a new center of gravity (COG) and then run CT_Skull_Strip again, and then run some hole filling:

ss_wb_robust = CT_Skull_Stripper(img, verbose = FALSE, robust = TRUE)
Warning: 'rpi_orient_file' is deprecated.
Use 'rpi_orient_file is going to be deprecated in the coming releases of fslr, and things this relies on,  including readrpi and rpi_orient.  Please use orient_rpi_file, orient_rpi, and read_rpi in the future.' instead.
See help("Deprecated")
ortho2(ss_wb_robust, window = c(0, 100))

We see that this robust version works well for even data with the neck. We can try it on a whole body image as well.

3 The website data

We could also look at the website, but these do not always correspond to the API and get all the necessary results.

x = read_html("")
tab = html_table(x)[[1]]
head_tab = tab %>% 
  filter(grepl("Head|Brain", Location),
         grepl("CT", `Image Types`), 
         Access == "Public")
brain_tab = tab %>% 
  filter(grepl("Brain", Location),
         grepl("CT", `Image Types`), 
         Access == "Public")
                                 Collection             Cancer Type Location
1 ACRIN-DSC-MR-Brain (ACRIN 6677/RTOG 0625) Glioblastoma Multiforme    Brain
2                                 CPTAC-GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme    Brain
3            ACRIN-FMISO-Brain (ACRIN 6684)            Glioblastoma    Brain
4                                    IvyGAP            Glioblastoma    Brain
5                                  TCGA-LGG        Low Grade Glioma    Brain
6                                  TCGA-GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme    Brain
  Species Subjects               Image Types                    Supporting Data
1   Human      123                    MR, CT                           Clinical
2   Human      189 CT, CR, SC, MR, Pathology     Clinical, Genomics, Proteomics
3   Human       45                CT, MR, PT                           Clinical
4   Human       39         MR, CT, Pathology                 Clinical, Genomics
5   Human      199         MR, CT, Pathology Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses
6   Human      262     MR, CT, DX, Pathology Clinical, Genomics, Image Analyses
  Access   Status    Updated
1 Public Complete 2020-09-09
2 Public  Ongoing 2020-03-31
3 Public Complete 2019-09-16
4 Public Complete 2016-12-30
5 Public Complete 2014-09-04
6 Public Complete 2014-05-08

In brain_tab, we see we have a few collections. We are going to use the collection Head-Neck Cetuximab from above.

3.1 Getting Patient Information

We could sample patients from the collection here and get the patient information:


patients = get_patient_info(collection = collection)
info = patients$patients
  patient_id patient_name patient_dob patient_sex patient_ethnic_group
1  0522c0001    0522c0001          NA           F                   NA
2  0522c0002    0522c0002          NA           M                   NA
3  0522c0003    0522c0003          NA           M                   NA
4  0522c0009    0522c0009          NA           M                   NA
5  0522c0013    0522c0013          NA           M                   NA
6  0522c0070    0522c0070          NA           M                   NA
1 Head-Neck Cetuximab
2 Head-Neck Cetuximab
3 Head-Neck Cetuximab
4 Head-Neck Cetuximab
5 Head-Neck Cetuximab
6 Head-Neck Cetuximab

Though we are not guaranteed the data will have Brain CT data. We will use the series variable to grab a relevant scan.